Tuesday, June 17, 2014

and you came back. somehow. 
i wanted to punch myself because it didn't take me long to text you back, just like what i knew and feared would happen. now it's starting to feel like a cycle: you talk to me, you don't talk to me, i get sad, i start to get over it, then you start talking to me again. how stupid of me to fall for the same thing over and over again. 
i know it's wrong, i know it's doing me no good but how come it's harder to stop doing something knowing it's wrong? maybe i just like the temporary bliss you give me when we talk. maybe i fall for it all over again because deep inside i have the smallest bit of hope that maybe this time you'd actually stay. maybe i'm too drunk in the idea of us that i don't see what's really in front of me—there will never be an us.

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